
Classical Greek: to reveal that which was hidden

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*If you buy a used copy at Amazon, it will be the first version, released in 2001, not the new version, re-released in 2019

About the book | Exobiology on Earth | Martin Garthwaite | Blog


Image: SNR 5.4-1.2 and PSR B1757-24, a.k.a. the "Duck Mosaic"; the process described in Apokalpsis may result in a planetary scale life form that would seek out the densest source of hydrogen near it and which might come to look like the "Duck". I do not say that the Duck is a planetary scale life form, seeking out hydrogen; nonetheless, the Duck Mosaic is a provocative image. The Universe is very large. Please see here for scholarship relating to the Duck.

Image credit: the National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Associated Universities, Inc./National Science Foundation

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