Effect of Life on Measured Temperature of the Universe
If life is endemic in the Universe, which it certainly is, it would affect the measured temperature of the Universe. If we measure the average temperature of a room containing a refrigerator, but do not include in the average temperature the (lower) temperature on the inside of the refrigerator, the measured average would be slightly hotter than the room really is because we are not including the cold area inside the refrigerator, but we are including the area subject to the exhaust from the refrigerator's motor and heat pump.
Similarly, we measure the temperature of the Universe and see the exterior of life, the increasing disorder, as higher temperature, without accounting for the order inside of life. This would not necessarily "fix" all of the matter/energy imbalance which we are struggling to understand, but it may account for a portion. As noted, the Universe is very large.
Through what mechanism does hidden order have an effect on anything? Does life on Earth change the Universe in a way which makes measurable difference? Doctor Erik Verline (here, at arstechnica, here in a PDF of this article), a Dutch theoretical physicist, proposes that gravity is a measurement of information and that information increases the gravitational pull of black holes. I dare add to Doctor Verline's work, by noting that order "hidden" in life would increase "gravitational" pull wherever life is found, not just in black holes. For bodies as small as ourselves, with modest energy consumption and order, it is hard to image that this can be sensed or produces a measurable impact, beyond Earth or our Solar System. But we may not be largest form of life in the Universe. It may grow to be very large, e.g. the subterranean breeder reactors in Apokalypsis.
Even if we are the end of it, we may still produce a small, distributed, measurable change.
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Effect of Life on Measured Temperature of the Universe